Category: Van Travel Tips & Gear

How to travel and live in a van, from logistics to parking to gear.

Minimalist van-dweller wardrobe part 2: women

Now that we’ve covered the minimalist van-dweller wardrobe for men, it’s time to focus on the ladies. Traditional gender expectations are that women care deeply about beauty and fashion, their closets and make-up bags brimming with the latest must-haves. These ideas are changing, but still exist. My favorite example of this is Amy Schumer’s skit “Say Fine to the Shirt” — a… Read more →

Full-time travel wardrobe for men

Minimalist van-dweller wardrobe part 1: men

It’s time to talk clothing. What does a nearly-all-season wardrobe look like for van dwellers? Ever since Chris and I lived out of our backpacks for a year in Latin America, we’ve been refining and perfecting our moderately minimalist, capsule wardrobe. We each have two milk crates (four total) for storing our clothes, outerwear, undergarments and shoes. Benefits of a Minimalist… Read more →

How to shower when you live in a van

The prospect of showering gave Chris and I a lot of anxiety before we hit the road. After a guy’s tale of using a spray bottle of sudsy water in a gas station bathroom and advice to bum shower tokens from truckers, it felt impossibly awkward. But nearly a year later, we haven’t done either of those things. And it inspired us to create…    … Read more →

#vanlife cooking

How do you cook (more than Cup o’ Noodles) when you live in a van? Let us begin by saying that Googling “camping meals” and related search terms is a waste of time. Because everyone will suggest either a) cooking a grand feast in your full kitchen, freezing it, and reheating at your campsite, or b) making something in a… Read more →

Six surprises

Surprise 1: We’re showering every day. Before setting out, we were mentally preparing for going two or three days at a time without showering. (Not a joke!) In reality, we’ve only gone one day without a shower. We wanted to get the hell out of a creepy RV park, so we literally just woke up and drove off. Showers have been free and… Read more →